EKI Energy Services Limited (popularly known by the brand name EnKing International) is a global premier brand listed at Bombay Stock Exchange. EnKing has been working in the realm of “climate change, carbon offsets and sustainability solutions" for more than a decade. Its objective is to rehabilitate the Earth to a low carbon and climate resilient global economy in short term through various carbon offset standards like CDM, VCS, Gold Standard (GS), GCC, IREC, TIGR, GES etc and nature based solutions in the long run. EnKing has been a leading player in the carbon market globally for developing and supplying carbon offsets. It has traded more than 100 million+ offsets till date.
EnKing has been rendering strategic solutions to businesses and organisations to achieve their climate ambition. The organization has over 2000 satisfied clients from a diverse range of project spread across the globe. It has multiple national and international recognitions for its exceptional business activities like winner of Environmental Finance Annual Market Rankings 2020 and many more.