2024-12-13 Statement from the PD Forum on the Outcomes of COP29
2024-11-20 PD Forum supports the inclusion of the use of environmental certificates in Scope 3 reporting
2024-11-13 Critics have called the approval of ‘climate credits’ rules on day one of Cop29 rushed, we disagree...
2024-07-15 Project Spotlight: BQS improved cookstoves for Burundi schools
2024-05-13 PD Forum statement on IEA High Level Declaration for Mobilizing Investments in Clean Cooking via...
2024-04-22 Conditional approval to VERRA, Gold Standard and CAR for CORSIA Phase 1
2024-04-09 Project Developer Forum Response to Claims of Over-Crediting from Cookstove Methodologies
2024-03-26 COP 28 Briefing and Perspectives
2023-12-01 Post-verification rating on climate action projects - A position paper by the Project Developer...
2023-11-28 Article 6 Authorizations - It is not clear if corresponding adjustments are needed for voluntary...
2023-10-21 Increased transparency in governance process
2023-10-20 Updated fNRB research creates opportunity for new consensus on high integrity cookstove and clean...
2023-10-20 Feedback: BeZero Carbon (BZC) Household Devices Methodology
2023-10-02 Request for participation of project proponents in clarification processes
2023-07-02 Project Developer Forum comments on the Structured Public Consultation on Removal Activities which...
2022-11-11 Corresponding Adjustments in the Carbon Markets
2022-09-26 PD Forum responses to the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (IC VCM) consultation
2022-09-19 Verra’s Approach to Third-Party Crypto Instruments and Tokens - Comments from Project Developer...
2022-08-16 Voluntary Carbon Market Initiative - Claims of Code Practice Consultation - Comments from Project...
2022-05-27 PD Forum suggests to move on with provisional CER to avoid a limbo situation for national schemes
2022-04-16 Corresponding adjustments in the carbon markets - Pro’s & Con’s
2022-02-10 PD Forum's FAQs on COP26 - The Role of Carbon Credits after Glasgow
2021-11-24 Project Developer Forum’s first conclusions regarding the Art. 6 related outcomes of COP26 in...
2021-08-18 PD Forum Position for the Voluntary Market under the Paris Agreement: What needs to be kept – what...
2021-03-03 Project Developer Forum's Public Comments on Net zero corporate standard
