Climate Focus is a pioneering international advisory company committed to the development of policies, methodologies, programmes and projects that mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Our international and multidisciplinary team works closely with the private sector, governments, non-governmental and multilateral organizations, across a range of sectors including renewable energy, forestry, waste, transport, and energy efficiency. Climate Focus is at the forefront of international climate negotiations and actively engaged in the development of new rules for an evolving carbon market.
We provide independent advice that is relevant for today’s decision-makers, ranging from the development of climate-smart and sustainable investments in the land use sector to the design of innovative financing and crediting schemes for energy-access projects. Our advice is rooted in a profound knowledge of climate change policies, methodologies, finance, and project development.
Climate Focus was founded in 2004 and has offices in Amsterdam, Berlin and Washington, D.C. as well as representatives in Bogotá. Our team of experts is complemented by a broad and diverse network of in-country and international partners.